Wednesday, July 02, 2008


people often say that in spite of their failures, if given the chance, they would like to be reborn as themselves and live their life all over again. exactly the same way as they have. that's supposed to be a hep thing to say. but i find it drab. ok. so you have led a very exciting life so far. you have fallen and fallen again. but picked yourself up each time and walked even faster. not a moment of your life has been dull. but why do you want to have the same experience you have already had? why not try something new? life is short they say. too short for the innumerable permutations of fate that could potentially be sprung upon us. what is, is just a small sample of what could be. if given a chance to be born again wouldn't you like to soak in life a little more? experience what it is like to belong to another country, another race, another profession or even the other gender?


Heart'n'Soul said...

Oh thank god, theres finally someone who thinks like I do and not like the beauty queens of the world with thr picture perfect looks and even better lookin answers.

If given a chance to be reborn, I will certainly not want to live the same life...its easy to say tht u wnt the same thngs and same people cuz u have got used to them by now. But if ones was born in a diff country and had gone a through diff course of life, the same person wud have wanted to get THAT life again.

Hope i made some sense!!!

Sadhan said...

i wowe all have regrets in our life it doesn't make sense to commit them all over again..does it?