Sunday, October 02, 2005

Slow Living

I deliberately decided to spend the day in slow motion. Everything I did had a stamp of sluggishness. The celebration of languor began with the brushing of my teeth. I ate slowly, I walked slowly and I watched a movie at half the normal playing speed (DVD players, thankfully, allow you to do so). Even the rate at which I'm typing now is abysmally slow. Any sudden change - change in temperature, change of environs-is exhilarating (though with exceptions). So was this experience of mine that was delightfully different from the usual scheme of things.

But the process of living slowly calls for some compromises. You can’t, for example, study slowly or you will flunk your tests ( tests do matter however hard you detest them unless you are a Newton incarnate). If you work too slowly you won't get paid (then you can't afford to lead a slow life in the first place. It's a diffrent story if you are a servant of the Indian govt...we 'll come to that at a later time).

You can't watch television in slow motion. The process of skating slow can be particularly tiring. You can't drive your bike slower beyond a certain point. Scratching slow might in fact aggravate your itch. You can't tell the ambulance driver to be slow when a near one is ill.

Personifying laziness may not go down well with your girlfriends (or, if you don't have girlfriends, your friends and relatives, who are often conveniently ignored, unless of course, you are dumped by your love interest...but that's beside the point). There is a world of diffrence between being lazy and being slow but u can't possibly explain it to the faster of the species.

There are a lot of other things that can't be performed slowly which i should imagine you have guessed by now...if at all you have been patient enough to read through this piece which is utter crap...but then reading crap can also be interesting at times...after all it's different from what you read all the time (dearest blondes, no offence meant).

Above all, you can't think slow.

So, I guess, my experimentation, though enjoyable, has to be a short-lived one.

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